Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Giggles and piggies....

We had some tummy time today! Caroline said that she could see me in him today!! Hurray, finally someone thinks my son looks a little like me! :0)

For the first time in his little 3 months and 4 days he laughed/giggled tonight. For real, like baby laughing not just smiling. It was amazing!!! We were not fast enough to get the video camera, but I have decided that we just need to have the video camera running all day everyday so that we can catch everything.
As for the piggie part of my title, I was putting Logan to bed tonight and he was taking a 6 oz bottle. Given that he had 4 oz at 6 ish I thought 6 more would be plenty. Just so you know, it was 8:30 when this was all happening. So I am singing along until I realize that we are coming up on the end of the bottle and he still looks like he is going to want to keep eating. We do this new thing when we are not done, it is a shreek/cry, and for the record I do anything in my power not to hear this noise. Logan is a little dramatic, to say the least. Bob made another 4 oz bottle and he ate most of that. So we had a little piggie on our hands tonight.

Our friend Alan is going to be in a stong man compention in Utah the week before we are coming out to Utah so my mom is going to go to support met him when she was out here when Logan was born. We wanted Alan to know that we were thinking of him so we took these pictures for my mom to print out and take with her to the competition on Saturday...enjoy. I added several, because I just think he is so cute!!
On a side note, I have found my calling! I am going to be a professional blogger. I think it is so fun. I find great joy in adding things to my blog and learning new things about the "behind the scenes" of the blog. I know I am a dork...who would have thought when I was graduating from High School that I would be an IT geek. Ummm, not me for sure! Ok, so enjoy my new addition of music!

The countdown to Utah...9 days :)

Thanks Aunt Caroline for letting us use your camera!!

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