Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fun Aunt Carlee (F.A.C.) Visit - Post 1

Our Aunt Carlee came to visit us this weekend and we have had so much fun just in 1 day! Carlee took Logan to Magic Kingdom while Bob studied and I was at work! They had a great time...
We all met up and went to Epcot...we went to Beaches & Cream for dinner at the Beach Club. It was very fun! Here are some pictures of our day of fun!

They are crazy about each other!!

He loved her coat - well the buttons really!

This is what Fun Aunt Carlees are for - showing Logan how to stick his tongue out!

We were not sure how he was going to like the seems he was fascinated!

He just kept watching them!

He was not really interested in sitting up and participating in eating...just wanted to be fed!

Just eating away!

The Gang at Beaches and Cream...waiting on our burgers!

When Aunt Carlee put Logan in the stroller to change his diaper...he just wanted to relax (please note she was not changing his diaper I was - she just put him in there)

Mommy and Logan on the "Peter Pan Ride"...he thought it was so fun - with the tongue again. We think that he is feeling the bump that is starting to appear with a tooth under it if we are lucky!

He was holding my hand and telling me about the ride, it was so cute!

He looks like he is well....if you have seen the Friends were Joey teaches Rachel how to "vanapoli". (I know it is not spelled correctly - and I am sure that I don't even say it correctly! But it helps tell my story!!

Logie Bear and Fun Aunt Carlee on Small World...

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