Sunday, April 05, 2009


So, I got a great idea from a friend to take some Easter pictures but I thought I would try some today just in case he was not super happy about I thought I would start with the "blooper" reel!

I have no words for this picture he is so funny just making faces like a champ these days!

I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING!!!!! This little boy was yelling at Bob about something Bob had said to him, I wish it was not blurry but I had to post it just because you can tell he is totally yelling!!!!

What a face!

I am still not sure what was going on with this face, but Bob thinks he was thinking - oh man they are right I do stink when I toot!

Now for the GOOD stuff! He was playing with all of his little animals!

He looks like a little boy, I can not believe it!

He is still so beautiful I think! Just such a sweet face he has!

This looks like a school picture - my baby is getting too big!

Just so cute, he just cannot help himself he is so happy!
ENJOY! We will have more fun pictures in just a few days! Mimi and Fun Aunt Carlee are coming for a visit! I am so excited I cannot wait for them to see how big he is getting and how much fun he is!! See you guys soon! Love you!

1 comment:

Tawnya said...

Emily, I am so enjoying your blogs. And Logan is getting more adorable everyday. My girls love getting into the cabinets too. Good idea about putting bowls, cups and things in there, I think I will steal your idea. Also, how did you make the great header? I need something like that for my blog. You still have my email? Or just comment on my blog. Also, they say that the later the teeth come in the better b/c they won't be as exposed to milk and juice and stuff. So it is good he is a late tooth bloomer. My girls are too. They are 14 mths now and just starting to get their 4th and 5th teeth. Take care!