Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Too Much Happening!

This is the Pinky and The Brain look we are starting to get these days...we have not had a lot going on the last few weeks. I have been working a lot and staying up late. Missing my boys in the morning but getting home in time for dinner and a little play time. We had a fin dinner with Anna, Anthony and the boys!!! No pictures yet of the newest member of their family, but congrats on Ethan. We can't wait to meet him!!

He is just learning and growing so much is amazing!

We got Logan this great little tent, he is still not sure how to use you can see it is on its side!

Logan loves much!! He is so into them!!!

Logie Bear in the tunnel

Logan playing at the Bianchi's...our next purchase is going to be a little table and chairs.

Logan was tired of me taking his picture...we are sort of out of practice so it does not take long for him to be tired of me snapping photos.

Learning all about the beads going round and round.

Mama and Logan giving daddy kisses while he is grilling!

I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!! We are trying to "practice" for our upcoming holiday trips. Between driving to Mississippi and flying to Utah we need him to be ok using headphones and wearing hats. So this was the headphone portion of the day!!!! He is so cute! Just watching Elmo!

Messy baby! Mimi said this looked like he was in the Baby Mafia!!! I LOVE IT!

"Ground Control to Major Tom" No words, I just think he is so stinking cute!

While we were at dinner with Bianchi's the big boys were playing with the little boys...this is what came out of it!!! Logan and Greyson getting pulled around the house on this magic carpet!!! You can tell they were just loving it!!! It is so hard to be a 1 year old.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank my sweet husband...for being patient with me as I have worked almost every night this week, as work is getting more stressful he just keeps and even keel and makes sure I have clean clothes for work and keeps our house clean and takes amazing care of my sweet baby!!! I love you baby and am so grateful that I get to be married to you!!!

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