Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Fun

We have been in Utah for a little over a week now and I am trying to play catch up with pictures and I think I might be doing that for a while. It has been so fun for all of us to be together and for Logan and Bob to get to play in the snow and just get to be with family. We had a great Christmas, Logan took it upon himself to "help" open all of the gifts under the tree. He just thought they were all for him!! He had a great time.

Christmas morning tradition - picture of the kids on or by the stairs...we all look totally awesome!

Logie Bear and Popi reading books - this was something that Logan loved!!

Logan and Bob in front of BYU. We had a nice time walking around and doing a little shopping. Logan loves to stand on everything and say "TADA".

Logan got a fun Mickey Plane from Mimi and Popi - along with a whole ton of other fun things. I am so excited for Logan to get to play with everything.

Logan opening up the Handy Manny tool set - this was a hit!!!

We went to Temple Square on Christmas Eve to see the lights and there was a nice side effect of freezing to death!! :) FAC, Popi, Mimi, Mama and Logan!!! He was so snuggled up!

The whole gang in front of the Temple. Logan not looking, but we were so cold and then man that took this was so nice to step away from his family for a few min to help us.

Mimi, Popi and Logie Bear - yes the hat is over his eyes!!!

Mama and Logan - I really like this picture!

Fun Aunt Carlee and Logie Bear - both freezing!!

We went to dinner with Laura, Greg, Caleb and cute Hollis. We had so much fun!! So glad we got to see them while we were in the same state...that does not happen very often!

My cute little man. I told him he could have a balloon and this was the face we got!! Thanks Greg for capturing this face!

The whole gang!! Bob, Me, Logan, Caleb, Hollis, Laura and Greg!

Logan and Hollis wondering what all the adults are talking about and why we did not get them balloons earlier!

Logan loved getting all dressed up and playing in the snow.

More smiles and snow!

Too Cute

We went to the zoo - it was cold! He was so snuggled - we all were!

Daddy and Logan - love this pic!

Boys know how to have fun!



So much fun!

Mimi got Logan this super fun climbing toy! Logan loves it!

We got a few things from Laura to keep at my mom's house for baby number 2 (I am not pregnant, just planning) and Logan decided that he wanted to play with all of it!

We got a chance to catch up with my friend Bethanie and her cute little new one William! It was so fun to see a little munchkin!! The mama's and there boys!!

Bethanie, William and Steve. Too Cute!

I had the chance to go to lunch with my cousin and am so grateful for all the stars aligning for us to be able to get together!!!
We have had a great time. I am not ready to go home yet, it has been so fun to see Logan and my parents playing! He walks around the house saying "mimi" "popi" trying to find them and gets so excited when he sees them. He has not figured out what to call Fun Aunt Carlee yet, I can't wait to hear what he comes up with! It has been a huge blessing to be able to be home and have a few days of less stress before we have to head home. Thanks to FAC, Mimi and Popi for entertaining Logan and Mimi and Popi for all they did for us while we were here and all they did in preparation for our arrival! It is amazing the bond Logan has formed with my parents - we will all be sad to leave!

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