Sunday, September 09, 2012

LoGaN rObErT uLmEr

There are few words that can describe how much I love this little man.  He is such a man...he is so sweet and smart and funny!!

He is always thinking of something fun for us to do together.  He is always thinking period really!!  He is always thinking of how other people feel and what could make everyone happy!!

I am a better person because of him.

Today we had a baptism after church...all of the little kids were able to go to the front and kneel down to watch.  Logan got pushed out of the way, so he sat up on a seat in the front row.  After the baptism was over all of the other kids were talking and being silly.  I looked over at Logan and he leaned over to Sister Sensor and said "Wow, that was really neat, I really liked it".  I love him more everyday I have him!!  He has such a tender heart and is so aware of how much his Heavenly Father loves him.  The Bishop got up to talk and he said something about how Heavenly Father and Jesus loved this little girl getting baptised, and my little muffin from the back said, "he loves all of us, wow, that's cool".  He is so wise!!

Later today, after we had gotten home, he was eating a yogurt on the floor of the kitchen.  Bob was talking with him, and as Bob walked out of the room to get something, Logan said to him "daddy, you are so strange".  I almost peed my pants...he is so funny!!  He loves to be funny!  He loves when others think he is funny!!

A few weeks ago I got a text from the primary music is what it said...
"Today, I asked the kids to think of a favorite song and we could sing something.  Logan raised his hand and said, I know a good one...Low, my mommy has it in her car.  Everyone got a good laugh!"
What a great lover of music, thanks Mimi :)

There is always some form of "Logan Show" happening at our house!!

Here is a list of things we love about our boy!
- His creativity
- His kindness
- His intelligence
- His sense of humor
- His love of his family
- His love of his sister

Man I love this little guy!

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