Friday, December 11, 2009

A few fun things

Our ward party was this last weekend and Logan and I took our picture with Santa and Mrs Claus. It was a nice party and Logan had a good time with all the kids! He loves his little friends in nursery. YES, we have a nursery kid. It might have been the greatest day of our life!! He has such a great time with the other kids and is so sweet and such a bog boy.

Cute Santa and Mrs Claus - they are primary teachers in our ward!

Our Christmas Tree. Thanks to Aunt Caroline for letting us borrow her tree! I love this time of year and am so grateful we got to have a tree!

Logan and daddy trying on daddy's tie. He is so funny. He heard my camera snap and looked at Bob and said "CHEESE" too cute.

Yes, that is Celine Dion...and I am the third person on the front row. What an amazing experience it was to sing with her. Watch for us on the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade on Christmas morning!!

Logan is going to be a mechanic or a an engineer. He is so cute. I walked in and this is what I saw and he talked me through everything he did!

Yeah, he puts this on his head and walks around, then takes it off and says peek-a boo.
I am so grateful for Heavenly Father's guidance. I wanted to bear my testimony last week in church and there was not enough time so I am going to use my blog as my outlet! I have been thinking a lot lately about being a mother and the role I will play in my son's life. How there will be times that I will be able to kiss things better but there will come a time when he will need a healing that I can not provide. I am so grateful for the atonement and the knowledge that I have of its truth. I am acutely aware at this point in my life the love of Heavenly Father and am grateful for his love. I am grateful for the power of prayer and the peace that it has provided Bob and I this past week. I am grateful that my family will be together forever. I am grateful for the support that family has provided and the love that I have felt, stronger then ever. I am grateful for the little things that make me smile. Having my first conversation with Logan today was one of them.
Logan: Whas at "what's that"
Me: I don't know, what is that? - I had answered several times already, it was a mop.
Logan: A choo choo
Me: Oh its a choo choo.
Logan: Oh coul "oh cool"
Logan: Kank u "thank you"
I love this little boy more then words can describe. I am so so grateful for all the joys I have been granted and the ones I have to look forward to. Life is good and am happy it is. Heavenly Father has a plan and I am grateful he does.
Our family moto is "Go big or go home" and we have just added a new one, "We choose faith over fear" I love you honey and can not imagine going through life with anyone else!

1 comment:

Tawnya said...

Wonderfully said Emily! Can I just copy and Paste? ;) jk

I too am so thankful for the gospel, my Savior, eternal marriage, my loving priesthood holder eterrnal companion and by beautiful girls. I am so grateful to have the gospel to help in guiding them through this life.

Happy New Year! Good Luck with the baby "planning" ;)