Thursday, March 26, 2015

Medical Update

As of last week the skin issues I had after the first surgery have completely healed up!!  This is a HUGE relief and a miracle!!  It has taken 17 weeks to fully heal.  I am amazed with what the body is capable of doing.  I have learned so much about nutrition and what our bodies need to heal and to be at its best!  Monday is my first expansion session!!

About a month ago I met with my oncologist and we determined going in to take my Fallopian tubes out would be my best option.  I am 33 and I am too young to have a full hysterectomy with out some future potential health complications.  Then just a few days ago, Angelina wrote about her latest procedure.  It was amazing to read her story, if you have not read it, please do...she is remarkable.

"It is not easy to make these decisions. But it is possible to take control and tackle head-on any health issue. You can seek advice, learn about the options and make choices that are right for you. Knowledge is power."

I have spent the last several days dealing with the feelings that accompany the "end of an era"...I knew right after I had my sweet Noah that we would not have any more babies.  My OB told me that there was just too high of a risk to me getting pregnant again.  So, for over a year I have been aware that we should not have any more babies, but this procedure will make things "official" and ends the era of "having babies".  I now have the most amazing and blessed opportunity to raise the beautiful children the Lord has blessed me with. 

As hard as this process has been emotionally, it will be the easiest surgery.  It will take about 15 min and will have very little down time.  I am in the best hands and am so grateful that I found her!  She is so kind and so aware.  

This processes has allowed so much learning and so much healing and more clarity then I knew I was in need of.  I am looking forward to what the next step in this processes has for me to learn.  I am so grateful for the Lord's belief in me and his strength holding me up.  He is the reason I know I can do this!  

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