Friday, June 10, 2011

Love is...

So last night we were driving home from dinner and Addison was screaming like crazy...she gets mad while in the car more often then not these days. Poor Logan just plugs his little ears and says mama it is too loud for my ears, can you put the pacifier in her mouth. Which I thought was so sweet that he recognized there was a solution to his problem and he was asking for help. When I told my mom about this she said most kids would throw something at the baby or get upset. But last night I saw how much a big brother can love a little sister!
So last night while she was screaming he sweetly said to me, "mama I think she might be hungry, do you have a bottle and I will feed her."
I said "Yes buddy that would be awesome, are you sure you want to do that?" I handed him the bottle and he got it right in her mouth and she stopped screaming. The look on his face was amazing. He knew that he had done it, he on his own had stopped the crying. I told him how proud I was of him and my sweet boy in response said "Yeah you are proud of me because I am a big helper"...LOVE!
So when she was done he took the bottle out and she started crying again (because it is more that she is mad then she is hungry) and he started to cry and said mama she is crying at me. The poor little man thought she was upset at him! So I comforted him and told him that she was just tired of being in the car and she has no other way to talk to us right now but one day she will be able to use her words to tell us what she wants or needs. He then told me he was worried about her because she was sad.
I am so amazed by this sweet little boy, pretty much everyday. What kind of love and understanding to you have to have to see someone else having a hard time that is affecting you and you want to help them. As adults I often think we get so caught up in what our problem is that is someone is ruining our ride home we get mad, maybe say mean things, or throw something at them to try and get them to stop. Instead of thinking, they must have something going on, what can I do to help so we can all be happy! That is love, that is pure unadulterated love. So when it says in the Bible that we should be like little children, I believe this is what Christ meant! So my goal going forward is to be be like my sweet Logan, to see the other person as a friend, someone that I may be able to help, someone that I can love!

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