Monday, January 09, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had a quiet Christmas this year.  Just our little family and some Christmas magic.  We had a fun dinner on Christmas eve with "fancy" plates and a roast!

 My cute people!

Santa made a visit to our house...he was good to us this year!

He did like all of the cookies that we left for him...and he drank all his milk.

Logan was SO excited about the wagon...we used it later that day!  It was all he wanted with the exception of Cars 2 Lego's!!

He was so so so excited about the Lego's...He said to me "mom, this is the one thing I always wanted, like the one I saw at Target"  Love him so much!

She was SO excited about her Belle...she is not super jazzed about her now, but she was very excited!

More cute faces!

Love her!

All of my people playing with the Lego' much fun!

She was not sure what to do with all of the paper...she was so cute to watch opening her gifts.

Daddy put together her baby carriage!  She was not really sure what to do with it!

Logan wanted to show her what to do with it, he was all kids of help!!

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