Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photo's from my phone

I know that is a lame title...but it is all I could come up with...I needed to get them off my phone, and now that they are I am just going to do a big long photo post!

We had a fun party at the water park...and as always Maggie and Logan did not disappoint!

Bob picked up his phone to answer a call and Logan picked up my BB and started talking to Mimi!!

We got Bob a new suit for all the interviewing he is doing...and Logan's favorite part was the mirrors. He also on a weekly basis asks if we can go to the "soup" (suit) store.

Double fisting the fish!! (pretzel fish and cookie fish)

CAKE - he loves birthday cake and singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

It is hard to see, but one Sunday morning Logan got up early and wanted to watch Mickey Mouse - and this is what I woke up to after Bob brought him to bed!

Getting ready for church having "faffel" and "chocate milk"...he is a little ham!

We had a sick little munchkin for about 6 weeks and we finally got the Dr to say it was more then just a cough. So we had to do nebulizer treatments for 2 weeks, and I am glad to say we have our little man back!!

Ready for swimming!!! Oh I love his little face!

We went to Bass Pro Shop on Saturday to see if they had some flip flops for Bob...and we found way more then just shoes. Logan found a whole row of boats he told Bob he wanted. We also saw all kinds of animals inside!!

He thinks he is ready to drive the boat!

NEMO's and Bruce - everything is some how related to a Disney movie these days!!

We found a new movie for Logan to try and he as you can tell, LOVES it!! Thank you Pixar!! Monster's Inc - Cars and Finding Nemo are our staples!!!!

Love life, I am blessed and so happy to have my boys!

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