Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To much has happened to title this post!!!!

So, mommy is back at work. That is the biggest thing that has happened over the past week. I am happy to have a wonderful job. I am also happy to be back at work using the "work" side of my brain as well as the "mommy" side of my brain. However, my first day back I was rushing around doing work for the hurricane that was coming...it turned out to be some rain and wind (a normal afternoon for us here in Florida).

We have also been blessed to have an oportunity to have Bob be able to be home with Logan, so not only is that less worry for me but I get picutres several times a day...what day care would do that for me :)

I am the Enrichment Night person in our ward and I am putting together my first one. I am excited to be able to have a calling and to be able to have a home just the right size to have the sisters in the ward over!! Bob and Logan are going to have a guys night out (or upstairs).

I am so grateful to my mom for listening to me worry and cry about going back to work, but she was right it all just came together in the end. I am so blessed to have Bob as my husband, Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed. He is getting up with Logan in the night and feeding him (we are now a formula family) so that I can sleep. He is so supportive of everything I want for myself as well as things I want for our family. I could not ask for a better partner, friend and father of my son.

Logan had just finished eating and was just looking at me, he is so sweet.

This is my poster that I made for my enrichment night activity! (hand colored)

He is all smiles lately.

He was hanging out with dad, and dad was talking to him and he just fell asleep!

Like I said ALL smiles! It makes everything worth it when he looks at you like this!

This one was because I love the faces that he makes!

1 comment:

The Bell Bunch said...

Logan has such a handsome smile...his whole face lights up!!! I am glad you are back to work, say "Hi" to Mickey from the Bells. We watch him everyday on the Clubhouse we even have him TVo'd for emergencies!!! You just wait!!!