Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Working from home...

I worked from home today, and I was a little worried because I had a conference call and from what Bob had said Logan had been a handful the last few days of last week. He would not sleep and was kind of cranky...so I prepared myself. Yeah, he was awake for all of 5 hours all day. He just kept sleeping. So those are the only pictures that I got today where of him sleeping or him waking up. Bob and I had been talking about documenting his wake up because we think it is just so cute...at some point I am sure we will stop capturing everything that he does but until then anyone that reads our blog will get to experience it all with us!! I also added a few pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!

"Where is Waldo??
This is how we start to wake up, stretch and yawn...

Then we stretch some more (I wish that I could insert the noises they are so funny)
Then we do the turn and stretch, he does this a few times turning from side to side...
Then all of a sudden...OH, I think I want to be awake now.

and finally I see mommy or daddy and then he is all smiles (his whole body gets excited now when he sees us. It is so fun)

I love when he is asleep like this in my arms. His cheeks just keep getting bigger :)

1 comment:

The Bell Bunch said...

Oh how fast it goes away...enjoy every minute. I love seeing the pics and remembering just what it was like! He just gets more adorable and I love the cheeks!