Saturday, May 22, 2010


Tonight after dinner, we heard a noise. Logan looked at Bob and I and said "Oh No, what is that sound!!" So we went outside and a helicopter had landed in the field behind our house. There and been an accident so they were life flighting someone out. Not a good reason to see a helicopter, but Logan loved it none the less. I also realized it had been a week or sense my last post and last picture I took of Logan. Things have been busy busy busy around our house, but we are happy and healthy and loving our little man!!

The moon, I just thought this was a cool picture!

What a face my baby bear has on him! We had spaghetti for dinner, so we take his clothes off, I don't normally just let my baby run around in his diaper.

I love this picture of my boys!!

They were having so much fun talking about the "copter" and the cars and trucks.

The "copter"

We found other treasure, like a car bumper!! Logan thought it was all pretty cool!

Watching the "copter" take off!

The "copter" flew right over our heads, Logan loved it. We explained it was taking someone with an owie to see a doctor to make it better. He waved and kept saying, "better".

Right over our house.

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