Sunday, March 08, 2009

9 Months Old

Logan turned 9 months old on Friday. So on Saturday we decided that instead of spending money on a photographer or a session at a photo place we would just take advantage of the beautiful Florida weather and the wonderful Disney landscaping and do our own photo's. Here are a few (and I say few because I took over 100 yesterday)...of our favorites

Daddy and Logan walking up the path!!

My sweet boy!! He was watching the photo people at the Poly get ready for a photo shoot of some kind.

He is so funny, he was not really tired, just hanging out resting against the couch.

He was all smiles for the photo lady...they love him no matter were we go!

We were playing peek-a-boo over the table. You can not see it but he was laughing.

We love the mirror image in the table in this pic...was a face this little munch has.

He was making all kinds of faces and laughing and talking...please note we had previously took him all these new places around the pool outside and he just sat there...but we put him on the ground in the lobby and he was happy as a clam.

He loved this table, mostly the handle...he has been doing these squats lately we are not really sure what it is about but it sure is funny.

Not a fan of being in the stroller, but wants to play on the outside...

This is for Mimi...Logan and the Contemporary.

He is getting to big...

My sweet boy!

Daddy and Logan hanging on the grass at the Poly.

mommy and Logan looking at the boat in the water.

I love this sweet.

He is so funny, he has really great faces the last few weeks. It is almost like he is trying not to smile!

He looks so big, also like he is annoyed with my picture taking :)

It took a few minutes but after he got used to it he loved it.

I love this little man so much...

Just playing in the sand.

He was not sure about the sand at first...he has never touched sand so it was s first for us.

His funny kissie face, he normally blows bubbles with it too!

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