Friday, September 26, 2008

Logan's Blessing

We blessed Logan on Sunday, September 21st in Utah. My dad and my grandfather live here and were able to be in the circle with Bob. We also had my dad's brother Gail and my friend's husband Steve along with the Bishop and the Stake President. We were so blessed to have them all with us on Logan's special day. My mom put together a beautiful luncheon afterwards. It was so great to have everyone at her house just visiting. Bob's mom and her husband drove from Mississippi to be with it as well. It was so wonderful! I have some pictures from that day!
Mommy and Logan in the church parking lot waiting on Daddy and Popi...

Sister Heaton (Tanya)and Logan. She is the sister missionary that taught Bob.

Fun Aunt Carlee feeding Logan.

Our little family, we have so many of each picture that it is hard to choose which ones to post...

Steve, Bethanie, Tanya, Me, Mr. Heaton and Heather..We are just so blessed to have wonderful people in our life!

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