Saturday, September 13, 2008

We were so productive today...well for the morning. Logan and I got up and went grocery shopping. We came home and Bob decided to wash the car. I put Logan down for a nap and helped him wash the car. Then, while we were at it we cleaned out the garage....HURRAY!! I have been wanting to do that since before Logan was born; SO I was super happy. Bob did a great, great job organizing the garage. While he was doing it Logan woke up so I brought the swing out (our favorite thing in the world right now) into the garage and he just hung out with us while we finished up...
Just hanging on in the garage with us!

He looked so serious, he was kind of zoning in and out. We also found some little rings and he loves hanging onto them as tight as could be!

This is kind of a long story...our friend Alan is competing this weekend in Utah in the Strong Man World Championship. My wonderful parents went to support him for us! I was so glad that they went. We had wished that he was going to be out there while we were out there but we were off by just a week. So my mom took some pictures for us to post...thanks Mimi :0)

Mimi and Alan with our picture of Logan!!

Utah countdown...5 days!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey, just like me to loose your phone number. I will be there for your special day. I am so excited for you. Are you staying with your parents in Provo? Lets do lunch. I will need your cell phone number again to get a hold of you. Mine is 510-666-0461 can't wait!